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2024-07-15 16:33:05 +08:00

23 lines
569 B

from enum import Enum
class SearchChannelType(Enum):
"""search channel type"""
GENERAL = "aweme_general" # 综合
VIDEO = "aweme_video_web" # 视频
USER = "aweme_user_web" # 用户
LIVE = "aweme_live" # 直播
class SearchSortType(Enum):
"""search sort type"""
GENERAL = 0 # 综合排序
MOST_LIKE = 1 # 最多点赞
LATEST = 2 # 最新发布
class PublishTimeType(Enum):
"""publish time type"""
UNLIMITED = 0 # 不限
ONE_DAY = 1 # 一天内
ONE_WEEK = 7 # 一周内
SIX_MONTH = 180 # 半年内