From 61f47ff41f7620b7b66dfe088ac2b025eaf828b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: iridiumR Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 18:01:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=95=B0=E7=94=B5=E5=AE=9E=E9=AA=8C3?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf | 508 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qpf | 31 ++ Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qsf | 59 ++++ Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3_counter.v | 41 +++ 4 files changed, 639 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf create mode 100644 Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qpf create mode 100644 Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qsf create mode 100644 Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3_counter.v diff --git a/Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf b/Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..276db7e --- /dev/null +++ b/Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +/* +quartus_eda --gen_testbench --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog --write_settings_files=off jyh_4490_3 -c jyh_4490_3 --vector_source="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf" --testbench_file="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/simulation/qsim/Waveform.vwf.vt" +quartus_eda --gen_testbench --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog --write_settings_files=off jyh_4490_3 -c jyh_4490_3 --vector_source="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/Waveform.vwf" --testbench_file="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/simulation/qsim/Waveform.vwf.vt" +quartus_eda --write_settings_files=off --simulation --functional=on --flatten_buses=off --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog --output_directory="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/simulation/qsim/" jyh_4490_3 -c jyh_4490_3 +quartus_eda --write_settings_files=off --simulation --functional=off --flatten_buses=off --timescale=1ps --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog --output_directory="/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/v3/simulation/qsim/" jyh_4490_3 -c jyh_4490_3 +onerror {exit -code 1} +vlib work +vlog -work work jyh_4490_3.vo +vlog -work work Waveform.vwf.vt +vsim -c -t 1ps -L cycloneive_ver -L altera_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L 220model_ver -L sgate_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver work.jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst +vcd file -direction jyh_4490_3.msim.vcd +vcd add -internal jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst/* +vcd add -internal jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst/i1/* +proc simTimestamp {} { + echo "Simulation time: $::now ps" + if { [string equal running [runStatus]] } { + after 2500 simTimestamp + } +} +after 2500 simTimestamp +run -all +quit -f + +onerror {exit -code 1} +vlib work +vlog -work work jyh_4490_3.vo +vlog -work work Waveform.vwf.vt +vsim -novopt -c -t 1ps -L cycloneive_ver -L altera_ver -L altera_mf_ver -L 220model_ver -L sgate_ver -L altera_lnsim_ver work.jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst +vcd file -direction jyh_4490_3.msim.vcd +vcd add -internal jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst/* +vcd add -internal jyh_4490_3_counter_vlg_vec_tst/i1/* +proc simTimestamp {} { + echo "Simulation time: $::now ps" + if { [string equal running [runStatus]] } { + after 2500 simTimestamp + } +} +after 2500 simTimestamp +run -all +quit -f + +verilog +*/ +/* +WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text +editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in +the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. +*/ + +/* +Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions +and other software and tools, and any partner logic +functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing +(including device programming or simulation files), and any +associated documentation or information are expressly subject +to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License +Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, +the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license +agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for +the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by +Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please +refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at + +*/ + +HEADER +{ + VERSION = 1; + TIME_UNIT = ns; + DATA_OFFSET = 0.0; + DATA_DURATION = 1000.0; + SIMULATION_TIME = 0.0; + GRID_PHASE = 0.0; + GRID_PERIOD = 10.0; + GRID_DUTY_CYCLE = 50; +} + +SIGNAL("clk") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("clr") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("en") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("in") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = BUS; + WIDTH = 4; + LSB_INDEX = 0; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("in[3]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = "in"; +} + +SIGNAL("in[2]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = "in"; +} + +SIGNAL("in[1]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = "in"; +} + +SIGNAL("in[0]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = "in"; +} + +SIGNAL("load") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("out") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = BUS; + WIDTH = 4; + LSB_INDEX = 0; + DIRECTION = OUTPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +SIGNAL("out[3]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = OUTPUT; + PARENT = "out"; +} + +SIGNAL("out[2]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = OUTPUT; + PARENT = "out"; +} + +SIGNAL("out[1]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = OUTPUT; + PARENT = "out"; +} + +SIGNAL("out[0]") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = OUTPUT; + PARENT = "out"; +} + +SIGNAL("upd") +{ + VALUE_TYPE = NINE_LEVEL_BIT; + SIGNAL_TYPE = SINGLE_BIT; + WIDTH = 1; + LSB_INDEX = -1; + DIRECTION = INPUT; + PARENT = ""; +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("clk") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + NODE + { + REPEAT = 33; + LEVEL 0 FOR 15.0; + LEVEL 1 FOR 15.0; + } + LEVEL 0 FOR 10.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("clr") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 1 FOR 590.0; + LEVEL 0 FOR 60.0; + LEVEL 1 FOR 350.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("en") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 0 FOR 30.0; + LEVEL 1 FOR 970.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("in[3]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 0 FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("in[2]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 1 FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("in[1]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 1 FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("in[0]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 0 FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("load") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 0 FOR 680.0; + LEVEL 1 FOR 30.0; + LEVEL 0 FOR 290.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("out[3]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL X FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("out[2]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL X FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("out[1]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL X FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("out[0]") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL X FOR 1000.0; + } +} + +TRANSITION_LIST("upd") +{ + NODE + { + REPEAT = 1; + LEVEL 0 FOR 400.0; + LEVEL 1 FOR 600.0; + } +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "clk"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Binary; + TREE_INDEX = 0; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "upd"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Binary; + TREE_INDEX = 1; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "clr"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Binary; + TREE_INDEX = 2; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "en"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Binary; + TREE_INDEX = 3; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "out"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 4; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; + CHILDREN = 5, 6, 7, 8; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "out[3]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 5; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 4; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "out[2]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 6; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 4; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "out[1]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 7; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 4; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "out[0]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 8; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 4; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "load"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Binary; + TREE_INDEX = 9; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "in"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 10; + TREE_LEVEL = 0; + CHILDREN = 11, 12, 13, 14; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "in[3]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 11; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 10; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "in[2]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 12; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 10; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "in[1]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 13; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 10; +} + +DISPLAY_LINE +{ + CHANNEL = "in[0]"; + EXPAND_STATUS = COLLAPSED; + RADIX = Unsigned; + TREE_INDEX = 14; + TREE_LEVEL = 1; + PARENT = 10; +} + +TIME_BAR +{ + TIME = 0; + MASTER = TRUE; +} +; diff --git a/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qpf b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qpf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f25563 --- /dev/null +++ b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qpf @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # +# +# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions +# and other software and tools, and any partner logic +# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing +# (including device programming or simulation files), and any +# associated documentation or information are expressly subject +# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License +# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, +# the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license +# agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for +# the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by +# Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please +# refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at +# +# +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # +# +# Quartus Prime +# Version 21.1.0 Build 842 10/21/2021 SJ Lite Edition +# Date created = 17:56:36 四月 04, 2022 +# +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + +QUARTUS_VERSION = "21.1" +DATE = "17:56:36 四月 04, 2022" + +# Revisions + +PROJECT_REVISION = "jyh_4490_3" diff --git a/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qsf b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qsf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b554b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3.qsf @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # +# +# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +# Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions +# and other software and tools, and any partner logic +# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing +# (including device programming or simulation files), and any +# associated documentation or information are expressly subject +# to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License +# Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement, +# the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license +# agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for +# the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by +# Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please +# refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at +# +# +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # +# +# Quartus Prime +# Version 21.1.0 Build 842 10/21/2021 SJ Lite Edition +# Date created = 17:56:36 四月 04, 2022 +# +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # +# +# Notes: +# +# 1) The default values for assignments are stored in the file: +# jyh_4490_3_assignment_defaults.qdf +# If this file doesn't exist, see file: +# assignment_defaults.qdf +# +# 2) Intel recommends that you do not modify this file. This +# file is updated automatically by the Quartus Prime software +# and any changes you make may be lost or overwritten. +# +# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + + +set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone IV E" +set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EP4CE6E22C8 +set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY jyh_4490_3_counter +set_global_assignment -name ORIGINAL_QUARTUS_VERSION 21.1.0 +set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_CREATION_TIME_DATE "17:56:36 四月 04, 2022" +set_global_assignment -name LAST_QUARTUS_VERSION "21.1.0 Lite Edition" +set_global_assignment -name PROJECT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output_files +set_global_assignment -name MIN_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 0 +set_global_assignment -name MAX_CORE_JUNCTION_TEMP 85 +set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 144 +set_global_assignment -name ERROR_CHECK_FREQUENCY_DIVISOR 1 +set_global_assignment -name NOMINAL_CORE_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE 1.2V +set_global_assignment -name VECTOR_WAVEFORM_FILE Waveform.vwf +set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE jyh_4490_3_counter.v +set_global_assignment -name POWER_PRESET_COOLING_SOLUTION "23 MM HEAT SINK WITH 200 LFPM AIRFLOW" +set_global_assignment -name POWER_BOARD_THERMAL_MODEL "NONE (CONSERVATIVE)" +set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_NETLIST_TYPE SOURCE -section_id Top +set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_FITTER_PRESERVATION_LEVEL PLACEMENT_AND_ROUTING -section_id Top +set_global_assignment -name PARTITION_COLOR 16764057 -section_id Top +set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3_counter.v b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3_counter.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..601ea45 --- /dev/null +++ b/Quartus/v3/jyh_4490_3_counter.v @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +module jyh_4490_3_counter(out,clk,clr,load,in,en,upd); + +input[3:0] in; +input en,clk,clr,load,upd; +output reg [3:0] out; + + +always@(posedge clk,negedge clr) +begin + + //异步清零 + if(!clr) + out<=0; + + else if(en) + begin + //同步置数 + if(load) + out<=in; + + //正反计数 + else if(upd) + begin + if(out>=4'd9) + out=4'd0; + else + out <= out+1; + end + else + begin + if(out<=4'd0) + out=4'd9; + else + out <= out-1; + end + end + else + out<=0; +end +endmodule +