Info: Starting: Create block symbol file (.bsf) Info: qsys-generate /home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/Design/uart_screen.qsys --block-symbol-file --output-directory=/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/Design/uart_screen --family="Cyclone IV E" --part=EP4CE6E22C8 Progress: Loading Design/uart_screen.qsys Progress: Reading input file Progress: Adding rs232_0 [altera_up_avalon_rs232 17.1] Progress: Parameterizing module rs232_0 Progress: Building connections Progress: Parameterizing connections Progress: Validating Progress: Done reading input file Info: qsys-generate succeeded. Info: Finished: Create block symbol file (.bsf) Info: Info: Starting: Create HDL design files for synthesis Info: qsys-generate /home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/Design/uart_screen.qsys --synthesis=VERILOG --output-directory=/home/ir/Documents/codelib/Quartus/Design/uart_screen/synthesis --family="Cyclone IV E" --part=EP4CE6E22C8 Progress: Loading Design/uart_screen.qsys Progress: Reading input file Progress: Adding rs232_0 [altera_up_avalon_rs232 17.1] Progress: Parameterizing module rs232_0 Progress: Building connections Progress: Parameterizing connections Progress: Validating Progress: Done reading input file Info: uart_screen: Generating uart_screen "uart_screen" for QUARTUS_SYNTH Info: rs232_0: Starting Generation of RS232 UART Error: rs232_0: The input clock frequency must be known at generation time. Info: rs232_0: "uart_screen" instantiated altera_up_avalon_rs232 "rs232_0" Info: uart_screen: Done "uart_screen" with 2 modules, 6 files Error: qsys-generate failed with exit code 1: 1 Error, 0 Warnings Info: Finished: Create HDL design files for synthesis